Hereford Rowing Club always welcomes new members, from novice juniors to seasoned veterans.
New Membership Contacts & Squads:
If you are new to rowing then please contact the Secretary to book you onto our next LEARN TO ROW Course. They are open to anyone who is 12 years through to 80 years old! We will ensure you have fun and are safe on the water, and will endeavour to get you into the Junior, Novice, Senior or Masters squads.
Experienced rowers please contact the Captain via email with your name, age, and your rowing experience, we'll arrange a tour of the club and can discuss membership & Squad options.
COACHES & COXES: We actively encourage and welcome new coaches and coxes at Hereford Rowing club. Please speak to the Captain about our Coaching and Coxing Rebates as well as aspirations that we may be able to support such as coaching courses.
Subscription Fees for 2024/25 have been agreed and now are:
Senior Rowing £359.25
Senior Rowing (-10% early payment discount) £323.25
County Senior £216.50
Senior £123.25
Senior & Gym £272.50
Student £188.50
Student Vacation £155.75
Junior £188.50
Senior Cox £68.75
Junior Cox £37.75
Categories of Membership
Senior Rowing Membership:
is open to persons who
• undertake to row for Hereford Rowing Club, or
• wish to regularly use the racing craft or any other training facility for leisure purposes
Senior Rowing Members who have been members continuously for twelve months or more shall be entitled to vote at meetings and shall be eligible to be nominated members of the Committee. Senior Rowing Members may use all club facilities.
Both the Mens and Womens senior squads have always been and continue to be very competitive, taking part in both Provincial and National Events.
Senior Membership(Non Rowing):
is open to persons who
• have rowed for this or any other Club, or
• will foster the Club's rowing activities.
Senior Members are not generally entitled to the use of the racing craft or other training facilities, but may do so on specific occasions with the prior authority of the Captain. Senior Members who have been members continuously for twelve months or more shall be entitled to vote at meetings and shall be eligible to be nominated members of the Committee, and except where restricted above may use all the Club's facilities.
Country Senior Rowing Membership:
is open to persons who reside outside a 25 mile radius of the Club and who
• undertake to row for the Club, or
• wish to regularly use the racing craft or other training facilities for leisure purposes
Country Senior Rowing Members shall enjoy the same privileges as Senior Rowing Members but shall be accepted at a special annual subscription as set by the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary Meeting.
Junior Rowing Membership:
is restricted to persons under the age of 18 years who undertake to row for the Club.
Applicants for Junior Rowing Membership must furnish proof of age. Junior Rowing Members shall be entitled to the use of the Club premises other tan the bar, but shall not vote at any meeting, not be eligible to serve on the Committee or hold office in the Club. Junior Rowing Members shall be entitled to use the Club pleasure boats.
A Junior Rowing Member shall cease to be such at the end of the calendar year in which he/she attains the age of 18 years.
The Junior Squad at HRC has grown in size in recent years to over 40 regular junior rowers, making our junior squad one of the largest in the region.
Safeguarding and Protecting Children
The committee of Hereford Rowing Club believe that the wellbeing of all children regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion or ability, have equal rights to safety and protection.
All suspicions, concerns and allegations of harm will be taken seriously and should be reported without delay to a Hereford Rowing Club volunteer or official, whereupon they will be responded to swiftly and appropriately in accordance with the club child welfare plan.
This is in compliance with the spirit of the British Rowing Safeguarding and Protection of Children guidance.
Student Membership:
is open to persons over the age of eighteen who are in full time education and
• undertake to row for Hereford Rowing Club, or
• wish to regularly use the racing craft or other training facility for leisure purposes.
Student Members age 18 and above shall be eligible to vote after being members continuously for one year. Student Members may use all the Club facilities and shall pay the agreed subscription rate applicable in the year of joining.
Student vacation Membership:
is open to students currently attending University or other full time education away from Hereford and:-
• undertake to row for Hereford Rowing Club, or
• wish to regularly use the racing craft or other training facility for leisure purposes.
The membership to cover use of the Club’s facilities during Christmas, Easter and Summer vacations only. Student vacation members age 18 and above shall be eligible to vote after being members continuously for one year.
Junior Coxing Membership:
Junior Coxing Membership is open to persons under the age of 18 years who undertake to cox for the Club.
Applicants for Junior Coxing Membership must furnish proof of age. Privileges of Coxing Membership are restricted to the use of the Club premises and the occasional use of racing craft with the prior authority of the Captain.
Senior Coxing Membership:
Senior Coxing Membership is open to persons over the age of 18 years who undertake to cox for the Club.
Privileges of Senior Coxing Membership are restricted to the use of the Club premises and the occasional use of the racing craft with the prior authority of the Captain.
"Friends of the Wye '150' Club":
For parents of juniors and families of members we also have an affiliated social membership through the "Friends of the Wye '150' Club". Membership costs only £30 per year and during the year draws take place monthly with 38 prizes per year. 3 Monthly prizes of £20 can be won and twice a year in June and December a £250 jackpot prize is won. All profits from the 150 Club are channelled back into the Rowing Club, over the years thousands of pounds have been raised, so this is a very cheap way of supporting Hereford Rowing Club.
Affiliated Clubs -
In addition to the Kayak Club, other affiliated users of HRC are Hereford Cathedral School Boat Club, the Wye Valley Runners, Hereford Cruising Club and Hereford Sub Aqua Club. Such facilities and services to other sports make HRC a true local centre of sport, which was recognised with the club being presented with the Herefordshire Sports Council's Club of the Year in 2005.
Application Forms etc.:
Click Here to download a Membership APPLICATION Form
Click Here to download a Membership RENEWAL Form
Click Here to download a Learn to Row Form
To download the Club Rules and Standing Orders go MEMBERS/Club Rules and Regs page
Click Here to download Friends of the Wye application form